Nueva publicación de la Dra. Analía Gutiérrez en la revista International Journal of American Linguistics

Nueva publicación de la Dra. Analía Gutiérrez en la revista International Journal of American Linguistics

Compartimos la publicación del artículo A Reanalysis of Nivaĉle k͡l And ɬ: Phonetic, Phonological, and Typological Evidence” de la Dra. Analía Gutiérrez, en la revista International Journal of American Linguistics, Vol. 85, núm. 1 (2019), University of Chicago Press.

Analía Gutiérrez es Ph.D. en Lingüística por University of British Columbia, M.A. en Lingüística por University of South Carolina y Licenciada y Profesora en Letras por la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Investigadora Asistente en la Carrera del Investigador Científico (CIC) del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), actualmente  coordina el Área de Investigación del CAICYT-CONICET. Asimismo, se desempeña como docente en el IELSE, IES en Lenguas Vivas “Juan Ramón Fernández” y la Universidad de Buenos Aires.


IJALThis paper describes and analyzes the typologically unique lateral system of Nivaĉle (Mataguayan). There is no lateral approximant in this language, but rather two lateral obstruents: the lateral fricative /ɬ/ and the complex segment /k͡l/. These two sounds behave differently in terms of both their phonotactic patterning and their morphophonemic alternations; they do not participate in any phonological processes that invoke their lateral articulation as a shared phonologically relevant property. The main proposal advanced here is that /k͡l/ is a complex segment and not an affricate: (i) there is no fricative release and (ii) the sequence of two phases does not agree in voicing. Further, it is hypothesized that the development of /k͡l/ from Proto-Mataguayan *l can be rooted in speech perception factors. Namely, the lateral approximant was realized with a brief stop closure which was misinterpreted as a real stop burst and reanalyzed as /k͡l/.